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Sustainable Investing

Our goal is to help investors achieve theirs. And in a world where environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors can have an influence on markets, we think sustainable investing can help build better financial futures.

When it comes to sustainable investing, we believe in...

Differentiated Alpha

Fundamental ESG analysis can uncover diversified sources of
Alpha is a measure of performance on a risk-adjusted basis. Alpha takes the volatility (price risk) of a fund and compares its risk-adjusted performance to a benchmark index. The excess return of the fund relative to the return of the benchmark index is a fund's alpha.to strengthen portfolios.

Enhanced Outcomes

Over the long term, investors can benefit from innovative, forward-thinking companies that are driving change.

Being Human Centric

We are committed to inspiring a culture of compassion, inclusion, and purpose. Learn More

Sustainable Funds


Our sustainable funds seek to benefit financially by investing in companies/issuers that are on a path towards positive social and/or environmental change.

We measure results by comparing our sustainable funds to major market indices, not ESG-specific ones.

We measure results by comparing our sustainable funds to major market indices, not ESG-specific ones.

Combining Ingredients Image

Integrating ESG Research

Combining financially material ESG research with traditional analysis provides portfolio managers with a more comprehensive view when making investment decisions.

At Hartford Funds, all of our actively managed products consider ESG research to varying degrees.

Our world-class sub-advisers are recognized industry leaders for their commitment to ESG research.

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  • 50+ sustainable investment-team professionals
  • 20+ years of ESG integration investment experience
  • UN PRI signatory
  • Signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
  • 25+ sustainable investment-team professionals
  • UN PRI signatory
  • Partnerships with organizations at the forefront of sustainability,
    such as Woodwell Climate Research Center
  • Signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
Family enjoying nature

Our Sustainable Investment Philosophy

Central to everything we do is our unwavering commitment to offering high-quality, differentiated solutions that deliver long-term value to investors.

Sustainable investing is one of many ways we honor that commitment.

Learn more

A sustainable fund and a fund that uses ESG integration ( “ESG Integration”) are different. Sustainable funds apply sustainable criteria to the investment universe to identify investments for inclusion in such fund. However, ESG Integration is when a fund’s portfolio manager(s) may consider financially material, social and/or governance (ESG) characteristics alongside other factors There is not a uniform definition of sustainable investing or ESG integration. With respect to a sustainable fund, using a sustainable investing approach may result in foregoing certain investments and may result in different performance results as compared to funds that do not have similar focuses. With respect to a fund that uses ESG Integration, financially material ESG characteristics are one of several factors that may be considered and as a result, the investment process may not work as intended. A Fund may perform differently from funds that do not integrate ESG into their analysis.