Past performance does not guarantee future results. ETF performance is based on net asset value. The Funds' respective Morningstar categories are the following: Intermediate Core-Plus Bond (Hartford Total Return Bond Fund and Hartford Total Return Bond ETF), Intermediate Core Bond (Hartford Core Bond ETF, Hartford Schroders Core Fixed Income Fund, Hartford Schroders Tax-Aware Bond ETF, Hartford Schroders Tax-Aware Bond Fund), Multisector Bond (Hartford Dynamic Bond Fund, Hartford Strategic Income Fund, Hartford Strategic Income ETF), Short-Term Bond (Hartford Short Duration Fund), Global Bond (Hartford World Bond Fund), Muni National Intermediate (Hartford Municipal Opportunities ETF, Hartford Municipal Opportunities Fund, Hartford Sustainable Municipal Bond Fund), Muni National Short (Hartford Municipal Short Duration Fund), High Yield Bond (Hartford High Yield Fund, Hartford Low Duration High Income Fund), Inflation-Protected Bond (Hartford Inflation Plus Fund), Bank Loan (Hartford Floating Rate Fund), Ultrashort Bond (Hartford AAA CLO ETF), Emerging Markets Bond (Hartford Schroders Emerging Markets Multi-Sector Bond Fund), Emerging-Markets Local-Currency Bond (Hartford Emerging Markets Local Debt Fund).