80% of clients would change financial professionals if theirs couldn’t help them maximize their Social Security benefits1
80% of clients would change financial professionals if theirs couldn’t help them maximize their Social Security benefits1
are unsure how much their monthly Social Security benefit will be2
of retirees are receiving a lower-than-expected Social Security benefit2
Currently the average retirement benefit is
monthly or
*Frequently Asked Questions, January 2024, ssa.gov
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¹ The Nationwide Retirement Institute® 2024 Social Security Survey, nationwidefinancial.com, 7/24.
2 Nationwide Peak Retirement Survey Insights Report, 12/23.
3 How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? fool.com, 9/24.
4 The True Cost of Forgotten 401(k) Accounts, hicapitalize.com, 6/23.
The MIT AgeLab is not an affiliate or Subsidiary of Hartford Funds.